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The northwest hip hop crew, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis have been takin the world by storm with their now DOUBLE platinum song "thrift shop. They are also linking up with commercials/ advertisement for their awesome album titled "The Heist" that released last fall. check out the videos below and also see one where they are on David Letterman's Show.
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis get invited back on the Ellen show to play their big hit that has been on the top 100 billboard hit list... its no. 2 right now! also its no. 1 on iTunes!
There are 3 new catz that are blowing up these days and thats Louis V, Voxx, and This'l. These guys have put in hard work and real iron promotion and grind in every step they've taken. I've seen their rise over the years and its nothing but greatest is what i see. Make room Wiz, Tech9, and Lecrae... Here are 3 dope emcees' that really throw dope with a nice edge.
Louis V (pronounced Louie "v") is a southwest grown boy that has moved to the Northwest to spread his talent through a more diverse fan base. Here's an new track/ video that will be released on his album in mid January of 2013.
Voxx a hard spitter with a nasty slur that will make eat syllable he says make you jump back and think about what you just heard. Through his music he claims he's as Dysfunctional as they come with his "Dysfunctional family" crew. He kinda of sounds like a tech9ne but he has a better flare in my personal opinion. Take a listen and see what you think... (click here)
Last but not least there's been a really good friend that i've traveled with on tour and really gave an inspiration to me. This man Thi'sl is a man of truth and excellence when he gets on the mic. An Ex-Hustler turns rapper and man of GOD comes out with a sick banger for this winter time. Make sure you download his mixtape off itunes. Its a sure banger from start to finish.
get free track of "snap off" here.
The Funny Eminem is back! And i'm glad, cause he brings a great flavor of different emotions and combinations into his music. Here's a behind the scenes look and also the new music video that will sure to get stuck in your head...
Its really great to see Eminem back on a track and in hip hop again, Once again he makes this song what it is. With a surprise feature of Adam Levine from Maroon 5. i cant wait for this song to blow up. it has a lot of potential.